whiteboi porn hobby pt. 1

As an inferior whiteboi, you're probably already heavily into pornography, because you find it much easier to understand than women. However, because of the hegemonic force of whiteness, you may not have plunged into full-on interracial porn frenzy yet. An interracial porn hobby is the first step to sissifying whitebois, which is a crucial component of the Black New World Order.
Most uninitiated whitebois are averse to interracial porn, at least on the surface, because society has firmly embedded the belief that interracial relations are wrong. More than that, whitebois are scared to watch interracial porn because they are aware that Black Men have much larger cocks than they do, and that white women respond to Black genetic superiority in ways that plainly showcase whiteboi inferiority.
The rest of the world is aware of this too. It's impossible, as a whiteboi, to watch interracial porn and not realize that:
a) women prefer large cocks.
b) you actually ARE a tiny-dicked loser, just like you feared all along.
c) you have been repressing homosexual thoughts about big dicks your entire life.
Seeing Big Black Cock in interracial porn videos brings this all to the surface, but these facts are actually the historical basis of white supremacy and racism in the western world. Since southern European whites and north African Blacks have been in contact for millennia, whitebois have always known that Black Men are physically superior in every way, and capable of effortlessly taking any white woman they want. This has made them furiously jealous, to the extent that they have exerted all of their power in subjugating the world, psychologically projecting their inferiority on innocent Blacks, and making the rest of us pay the price for whitebois' repressed, inborn homosexuality.
But that's all changing.
If you've read the other blogs on this site, you know that I aim to remedy the legacy of racism, ushering in the Black New World Order by making all whitebois admit their homosexuality and stop having sex with women, thus freeing up all whitegurls to be bred by superior Black Men. Luckily, most whitebois have already started, and are somewhere along the spectrum from pretending to be straight, to 100% sissified. Generally, this process starts with the dark underworld of American pornography, and a common path that leads whitebois to total BBC sissification goes something like this:
Relatively vanilla porn: now that all people 20+ have grown up with the internet, we become exposed to pornography at a younger and younger age. The material used to be pretty vanilla and--except in very special circumstances--not interracial. Brazzers.com played a seminal role for people coming of masturbating age in the 2000s. One thing to note: since whitebois are attracted to large cocks, this is a feature of even the most vanilla of pornography. This deeply subconscious attraction is the beginning of whiteboi big dick fetishizing.

Some not-so-farfetched niche: very few people stop where they started. Most of us discover something that we really enjoy; teen, amateur, and lesbian porn are three big ones. Other options might be:
Deepthroat - lots of whitebois convince themselves that videos of women cramming giant cocks as deep as they can down their throats are meant for straight people. This is easy to refute: many of the videos don't even show nude women (look up CFNM material for examples). Deepthroat porn is cock-focused, but somewhat vanilla, so it's a gateway to true whiteboi desires.

Anal - the story with anal is similar to deepthroating: although it appears straight on the surface, fetishizing anal sex is a sort of Freudian slip, revealing what a person really wants. If you're a whiteboi who's really into anal porn, what you really want is to be fucked by other men. You're imagining yourself as her, subconsciously. You're more into assholes than pussies. Dig deep and see.

Cum-related - there is no shortage of "straight" porn that is focused almost exclusively on cum. In fact, the end of basically 100% of modern porn shoots consists of a facial, a creampie, cum play, or something similar. Again (almost needless to say), if what gets you going is male ejaculate, there's a problem. You're not a heterosexual man. Straight men--i.e., Black Men--don't get off on seeing close-ups of male cum.

Double penetration/group sex/etc.: porn with more males than females is the next gateway for whitebois to explore their natural attraction to large cocks. The "cocks" are usually white, so it's not the full effect, but it's a sort of "safe space" for wannabe sissy faggots to look at dick instead of pussy. It's a stepping stone to whiteboi destiny, which is sissification for the BNWO.

Interracial porn: this is the true defining moment in a whiteboi's porn consumption trajectory. For the vast majority of people, this is a sort of "no going back" moment, analogous to the famous saying about interracial sex: "Once you go Black, you never go back." Witnessing interracial lovemaking for the first time is devastating to white masculinity. It unlocks hidden truths inside whitebois, who are genetically homosexual bois masquerading as straight men, and all whitebois spend the rest of their lives either embracing or suppressing these realizations. This is why pornography plays such an important role in the BNWO.

From here, things tend to go in highly individualized ways. Many whitebois don't have the proper guidance, or aren't smart enough to make the obvious connections, after having consumed interracial porn for the first time. The point here is to guide novices in the right direction. If you are currently at this stage of a porn hobby, the path you should follow to most effectively sissify yourself for the Black New World Order is as follows:
Interracial double penetration (DP): two heads are better than one, whiteboi. What you need to do is start watching 2 BBCs spit-roasting white women.

Interracial gangbang: if two dicks are better, what about 3? 4? 10? That's right, faggot--the effect is exponential. The higher the ratio of BBC to pussy, the faster your trip towards sissification will be completed.

Interracial bukkake: the Japanese--who had their masculinity A-bombed out of their genetic pool 70 years ago--have gifted the world with one of porn's finest creations: bukkake. Well, the original version is gross because it's Japanese guys, but when you replace the tiny-dicked Asians with superior Black Gods... you can imagine the effect of watching a whitegurl showered in 10 to 20 loads of thick, potent, Black Man's cum.

Interracial compilations: these often include clips from bukkake scenes, DP scenes, etc., and you get a nice buffet of action to jerk your whiteboi clit to. Compilations are a great way to expose yourself to plenty of Black Dick, but also to continue ramping up the intensity of your porn hobby, because they come in many flavors. There are compilations of regular sex, compilations of blowjobs only, compilations of gangbangs, compilations of cumshots, and--many whitebois' personal favorite--compilations of interracial rimming.

Interracial cuckolding: this is where things start to really get interesting. Now we have the distinct possibility of explicitly homosexual acts taking place, and this is what whitebois should come to fetishize. The seed of cuckolding was placed by all of the "straight" porn (put out by Brazzers, e.g.) that played off of whitebois deep fantasy of being cheated on. First it was just cheating, then it was getting caught, and now we are in the era of High Cuckolding. These are videos where whitebois watch their women being fucked by other men, and the interracial variety is sublime to a whiteboi's sexuality.

You should move up from light cuckolding (where the whiteboi is just off in the corner), to violent cuckolding (where he gets roughed up a little bit or his girl is taken with some amount of force by a Black Man/Men--usually not much) and then to participatory cuckolding, where the hubby (or "cucky") takes part in the act: preparing the Black Bull with his mouth, holding his wife in position, re-servicing both his wife and the Bull, and in the end, cleaning up the Bull's load with his mouth. Or at the very least, or opening his mouth and letting his girl spit the giant gob in there.

Phew! Take a deep breath whiteboi--you're probably pretty hot n' bothered at this point. You're also completely beholden to Black God's at this point in a porn hobby, but don't think it's done. It goes deeper, faggot. But your inferior, whiteboi, sissified, bimbo brain probably can't handle much more, so we'll put the rest off for another day.
In the meantime, figure out where you are on this trajectory, and start moving toward the next step. That's how all whitebois can do their part for the BNWO. And keep your eyes peeled for pt. 2.
'Til next time...