Daddy D's Dictionary
Beta = submissive, inferior "man" (as opposed to "alpha male")
a.k.a. betaboi, fagboi, whiteboi
BNWO = Black New World Order, i.e. the state of the world once whiteness is bred out of existence
Boipussy = a sissy's asshole
Clitty = proper term for the sissy "penis"
a.k.a. pee-pee, wee-wee
Cummies = sissy ejaculate (n.)
Make cummies = (v.) the act of ejaculating for a sissy
Diddle = sissy masturbation
Proper diddle = using only pointer, middle finger, and thumb (only aceptable "grip")
Precum = seminal fluid
Leaking precum = when sissies overstimulate they begin to leak precum from their clitties (much like when a woman "gets wet")
Simp = (n. or v.) sucking up to a woman hoping for pussy or attention, and the bois who do so; could be financial, etc.
a.k.a. cakin', cake ass bitch
Sissy = a former "man" who has embraced feminization, no longer seeks pussy, acts and dresses very slutty
Sissy grip = forbidden use of whole hand to diddle
Sissygasm = making cummies from anal stimulation only (no diddling)