Black New World Order
Western society is deeply rooted in racism. For centuries, the ideology of white supremacy has constructed an unequal world where Black Men and women are held down for the benefit of whitebois and gurls. The United States was built on the backs of strong Black Men, kidnapped from Africa and sold into a lifetime of slavery. They have continued to be oppressed by the scared whiteboi masses despite their significant contributions to American culture and society. They have never been compensated for their role in creating the most prosperous nation in the world.

But that's all starting to change. Go to any university campus and what do you see? A generation of guilt-tripped whitebois and gurls virtue-signaling to compete for who is the most apologetic for white oppression. Turn on the news and what do you see? Black Lives Matter marching in the streets, and whitebois cowering--terrified--clutching guns in their pale, limp-wristed hands. Go downtown in any mid- to large-sized American city and what are you confronted with? Beautiful white women holding hands with tall, strong, assertive Black Gods. Guess what? If you're a whiteboi, they are laughing at you as you walk past. Wanna know why?
Because--as the world is starting to publicly recognize, and as you know deep inside already--Black men are superior to whitebois. This means several things:
Black men are superior because they have superior genes.
Since Black men have superior genes, whitebois have inferior genes.
Since whitebois have inferior genes, inferior people have been allowed to dominate modern history.
If we want to usher in a better world full of people with superior genes, we need to eliminate whiteness.
Once we eliminate whiteness, we will have achieved a Black New World Order, and many--if not all--of the problems of the world will have been solved.
How, then do we begin to eliminate whiteness? This is not an easy process, but there are a few things that are easier to grasp:
If you are a whiteboi, stop trying to get women
It's pretty simple: all whitebois are actually gay. They have been masquerading as straight men for millennia because they fear the domination that is rightly due to Black Men. Because all whitebois are gay, they should stop trying to fuck women.
White pussy is reserved for Black Men only. You should feminize, lock yourself in chastity, learn to cum anally, and train yourself to serve Black Gods. The more whitebois accept their inherent homosexuality, the less they breed with white women, the more they encourage white women to only breed with Black Men, the closer we get to the Black New World Order. Over time, this will lead to whiteness being bred out of existence. When the BNWO finally arrives, any remaining whitebois will be forced into chastity, feminized, sissified, and turned into lifelong slutty fucktoys for black men.
That final generation will be the pinnacle of whiteness: forced to their knees, mouthful of Black Cock, useless, puny, pathetic genitalia bouncing up and down to the rhythm of the skillful blowjobs they render to their Black Gods.

If you are a whitegurl, stop sleeping with whitebois
Whitegurls, do your part by admitting that you've never been truly pleased by a whiteboi, and you crave Big Black Cock. Start seeking out Black Men any way you can. Let them fuck you raw. Get a queen of spades tattoo. Get knocked up as much as you possibly can, and dedicate your life to breeding with Black Men. If you're being honest with yourself, this has probably been in the back of your mind for most of your life. At least since the first time you saw a Black Dick--and we ALL see one eventually. So quit lying to yourself, and quit denying yourself what is rightfully yours: a giant Black Dick that fills you all the way up, reaches deep into your womb, and deposits potent Nubian semen inside of you. It is your destiny to give birth to a mixed baby, and for any females born this way to reiterate the process by doing the same, with either Black Men or Mixed Men. Moms, get to work. Teach your daughters by example.

If you are a Black Man, fuck as much as possible
If you are a Black Man, you need to fuck white bitches raw every chance you get, bruh. NEVER pull out. NEVER wear a condom. Just go out and get it. There's no shortage: check out Tinder, or any other social media platform, and they're all teeming with white women begging for big dicked Black Gods to fuck them. The more you spread your seed, the more you convince whitegurls that BBC is superior, the closer we get to BNWO. I'm calling on all my Black brethren to impregnate as many white women as possible, on top of the Black women you pull. This should actually be pretty easy, because white women are genetically hardwired to be attracted to Black Men, and you've probably been raking in white hoes already for years like me and my boys. Just kick it into overdrive. Now's the time.

If you are a Black Woman, be cool
Black women have a special role to play in the BNWO. You are Nubian Queens and as such, you almost have more power than Black Men themselves (although... more on that in a later post). Basically nothing changes for you: you will remain superior to all whitebois and gurls. You should entertain the idea of training and sissifying whitebois to help speed up the process of the BNWO. Can you imagine having a sissified whiteboi, with absolutely no interest in fucking you, who will do everything you say, eat your pussy and asshole out day and night, and thank you for it when "he's" done? You should also BE COOL with your Black Man fucking as many whitegurls and whitebois as he wants. You have to do your part in ushering in the Black New World Order, and that part is to be cool and open-minded with your Black Men. Let them go out and dominate like they are destined to.

Once we achieve BNWO, the world can begin healing from its past wounds, and start trying to undo the havoc wreaked by pale-skinned, tiny-dicked, limp-wristed, secretly gay, beta-cuck, pussy ass whitebois. If we can follow the simple guidelines laid out above, this process will be fairly quick and painless. And the truth is, we all know what needs to be done. We have just been brainwashed by whiteboi hegemony to think otherwise.
But the movement is beginning to gain steam. The Twitter world is alive with the sounds of #BlackSupremacy, #BNWO, #SayNoToWhiteBois, #QueenOfSpades, #beta, and all manner of rallying cries for whiteboi simps to admit their inferiority and begin living their true lives as sissified, BBC-addicted sluts. Whitegurls are, more and more, refusing to fuck whitebois and proudly announcing that they are #BlackOnly. And this will only continue.
So which side of history do you wanna be on? Do you wanna go down fighting the inevitable, or do you wanna have some fun before the white race goes extinct? Time to make a decision, whiteboi. I know you're reading this.
Now go jack off to some videos from And do everything you can to encourage white women to breed whiteness into extinction by fucking only big dicked Black Men. It is your place.
Accept it.

Greating black master iam proud be dirty white Sissy whore submissive female slut need serve Black Masters
All white males should be castrated to prevent them from breeding inferior genes and all white women should be made to undergo tubal ligation to permanently prevent them from giving birth and ultimately eliminate the race. For all practical matters there is no difference between white males and white females. For black men all whites are female and shall always be ready, willing and able to sexually service any black man, anywhere, at anytime and in any way a black man wants to be serviced. Whites shall never engage in any sexual activity of any kind with other whites. In addition to castration, all white men shall have penectomies, since their penises have no sexual use.